Growing in Life on Life:
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it. 2 Timothy 3:14
I am leading and having a bible study with these two transition women this year! They are Som and Penny. We have learned about what is mobilization, understanding the new role from students to a workers, how our lives can impact the world, and now we are meditating on the verses about perseverance in the midst of challenging circumstances. This is encouraging us to walk in faith with him in the workplace.
Pray for both of their relationship with God and walk in faith in daily lives.
Pray for Som, she is a french tutor now. This is her main means of providing for herself. Pray that God will give her more students and she will trust the Lord with all her heart about His providing for her need.
Pray for Penny, She is a trainee teacher now. Pray that she will trust and depend on God’s wisdom for teaching her high school students.